Cleaning Your Tongue
Tongue, Brushing, Scraping, Etc. Cleaning Your tongue to prevent bad breath & improve oral health. One of the best ways to make sure your breath is fresh and clean is to make sure that your tongue is healthy and clean [...]
Tongue, Brushing, Scraping, Etc. Cleaning Your tongue to prevent bad breath & improve oral health. One of the best ways to make sure your breath is fresh and clean is to make sure that your tongue is healthy and clean [...]
Sterilization Limits Exposure to Germs and Bacteria During regular day to day life, germs and bacteria typically get a bad rap. When sterilization gets taken too far, we're missing out on the benefits of a healthy and tested immune system. [...]
It would be comforting to think that gum disease afflicted only adults. But adolescents and even pre-adolescents are especially at risk for what is often called Localized Juvenile Periodontitis (LJP). We usually think of periodontal disease as a result of [...]
Social embarrassments come in many sizes. But chronic bad breath is near the top of the list. It affects those nearest and dearest to us and may limit the close social contacts we treasure most. Worse yet, a person with [...]
The diet of today is the result of a 50-year increase in consumption of the rapidly absorbed sugars—specifically, soft drinks, commercial juices, candy, and easily digested sugar foods such as cakes, cookies, etc. This change has generally gone unnoticed by [...]
One of the tenets of good dental health is obvious—Brush your teeth after every meal. This can help keep your mouth healthy throughout a long life. Another rule should be just as carefully observed: Do NOT use someone else's toothbrush. [...]
Where Bad Breath Comes From Most, but not all, bad breath comes from bacterial plaque and food accumulated mainly towards the back of the tongue. The problem is, there are all sorts of not-likely-but-possible other reasons for halitosis: upset stomach, anxiety, [...]
Homicide: bad word. It means killing another human being. Germicide? For many, good word. It promises to kill what are hated and feared most in this super-sanitary era: germs. Germ is sort of a catchall that refers to any microorganism [...]
Did you know the toothbrush was invented by the Chinese in the 15th century? These first toothbrushes were made of hog bristles. Today, most toothbrushes are made from nylon monofilaments which dry quickly and resist breakage. Did you know a [...]
When you have a cold, we all know to cover your mouth before you sneeze and not to drink out of the same glass. We do this because we know that a cold is contagious. Now we know that, chances [...]